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When a motorist engages in violent driving behavior where they ride up on a vehicle’s tail or follow the car in front of them too closely, neglecting to leave a safe distance between themselves and the other vehicle, this is known as tailgating. Essentially, a tailgating accident occurs when a motorist follows the vehicle in front of them too closely which causes them to rear-end the vehicle as they do not have enough time to react to hazards on the road. Tailgating accidents are dangerous and can result in serious injuries. In the unfortunate event that you or someone you love has been injured in an auto accident caused by tailgating, contact an experienced New York City Car Accident Attorney who can help you seek monetary compensation for your damages. In addition, please continue reading to learn about the dangers and consequences of tailgating.

What is a tailgating accident in New York?

Essentially, tailgating is an aggressive form of driving. Tailgating is particularly dangerous because it does not leave motorists with adequate time to react to certain road conditions. If motorists do not have a sufficient amount of time to adapt to their surroundings, it could cause them to crash into the vehicle in front of them. According to statistics, drivers need an estimated two to three seconds to process and respond to hazards on the road. If a motorist is tailgating, they will not have enough time to adjust to changing road conditions such as the vehicle in front of them suddenly braking. Unfortunately, tailgating is a top cause of auto accidents in New York. When a motorist tailgates, they drive too closely to the vehicle in front of them, thus increasing the likelihood of them rear-ending the vehicle as they fail to leave enough room between themselves and the other vehicle to have sufficient time to react. Motorists must refrain from driving aggressively as it can cause serious collisions to occur.

Who can be held legally accountable for this type of accident?

In New York, motorists are required to abide by the rules of the road. This means they must operate their vehicles safely and exercise reasonable care to prevent accidents and injuries from occurring on the road. One of the leading causes of accidents is negligence. If a motorist’s negligent actions, such as tailgating, cause a collision they can be held liable for any injuries or damages that occur as a direct result of their aggressive driving behavior.

If you or someone you care about has been injured in a rear-end collision due to tailgating, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our trusted and determined attorneys. Our firm is committed to helping our clients hold negligent parties responsible for their reckless driving behavior. Allow our firm to fight on your behalf to seek the justice you deserve.


To a man who was assaulted at a restaurant and sustained a traumatic brain injury.


Settlement to a barista who slipped and fell on a defective stairwell while working for Starbucks who sustained back injuries requiring multiple surgeries in 2012.


Settlement to a woman who was assaulted and sustained back/hip injuries in 2015.


To a man who sustained back injuries when he was a passenger in the car that rear ended another car.


Verdict to a high school student who was assaulted by a school dean during her lunch period dislocating her hip in 2014.

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