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Unfortunately, due to negligence, auto accidents can occur within the blink of an eye. Victims of auto accidents may sustain catastrophic injuries that negatively affect their lives. When taking a closer look at the causes of accidents, one may find a common theme in the age of those responsible. The age group that has the highest rate of auto accidents is teenagers. However, elderly adult drivers are not far behind as they are responsible for a significant amount of auto accidents. If you have been injured in an auto accident due to the negligence of someone else, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with one of our adept and determined New York City Auto Accident Attorneys who can help investigate the circumstances of the accident and gather pertinent evidence to back up a victim’s claims.

What age group is responsible for causing the most car accidents?

Regardless of age, due to negligence, serious auto accidents may occur which can cause significant injuries and long-term damages to all involved. However, the two age groups that have the highest rate of auto accidents include:

Teenagers (between the ages of 16 and 18)

Newly licensed teenagers have a high rate of causing accidents due to their lack of experience which can lead them to make critical errors. Unfortunately, teenagers are more likely to engage in risk-taking behavior than any other age group. Additionally, teenagers are more likely to drive recklessly. The following are some examples of how teenagers cause accidents:

  • Lack of experience
  • Reckless driving behavior
  • Neglecting to wear a seatbelt
  • More likely to underestimate hazards
  • Driving in inclement weather conditions
  • Alcohol impairment
  • Distractions such as cellphones, radios, and other passengers (that is why states enforce strict passenger restrictions when it comes to newly licensed drivers)

Elderly adult drivers (between the ages of 70 and 80)

Although many elderly adults value the independence and freedom of driving, age-related changes may compromise their ability to safely and properly operate a vehicle. Unfortunately, some health conditions and medications can impair drivers’ ability to drive as they age, resulting in serious accidents. It is critical for older drivers to know when it is time to officially hang up their keys once and for all. As a result of diminished driving abilities, older drivers may cause accidents due to:

  • Weak muscles
  • Stiff joints
  • Reduced vision
  • Reduced hearing
  • Reduced motor skills
  • Certain medications and prescription drugs
  • Slower reaction time
  • Slower reflexes
  • Cognitive disorders (cause confusion)

In the unfortunate event that you or someone you love has been hurt in an auto accident due to another person’s negligence, reach out to one of our experienced attorneys who can help you recover reasonable damages. It is imperative for victims of auto accidents to acquire the right legal representation. Allow our firm to help you today.


To a man who was assaulted at a restaurant and sustained a traumatic brain injury.


Settlement to a barista who slipped and fell on a defective stairwell while working for Starbucks who sustained back injuries requiring multiple surgeries in 2012.


Settlement to a woman who was assaulted and sustained back/hip injuries in 2015.


To a man who sustained back injuries when he was a passenger in the car that rear ended another car.


Verdict to a high school student who was assaulted by a school dean during her lunch period dislocating her hip in 2014.

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